Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Surest Steps To Weight Loss Success

In other to loss weight, it seems extremely hard for people to get started. They may appeared very confused and not knowing where to start from! Should you be in this category of people who find it difficult to get started, then this article of mine is just right for you! The tips i am about sharing with you in this article are going to help you in a big way. Whatever pounds you want to lose; ten, fifty,or hundred it does not matter!

Goals setting is the surest steps to weight loss success, setting goals is inevitable when it comes to weight loss program. As this will help and guide in how much weight you intend to loss, and by determining when you want to loss all the weight. Without this goal in mind, you will not be able to determine how much work you will be needing to shedding all that extra pounds!

It is advisable for you to put down these goals of yours by writing it on a paper, as this will enable you not to ever forget them! When you write those weight loss goals on a piece of paper of paper make sure you do copies the paper and place them on every where and corner you can, so as to see it often.

You may as well stick this written paper on your refrigerator, kitchen wall and dinning table or wall, as it's sure helps in controlling your urge to take more than necessary!

In other for you to achieve your goals setting you must set a very REALISTIC one. Because just setting goals will not be enough. If your goal is to loss fifty pounds within a few weeks to a month, then such unrealistic goals setting will produce no force to the very effect of real goal setting.

By setting goals that are unrealistic and unachievable, you will be very frustrated with yourself and disappointed at your weight loss efforts. Realistically, to achieve your goal setting of weight loss success, you need only to loss as little as 1-2 pounds per week. Your goals must be slow and steady; in other for you to lose fifty pounds, it will take you no less than five-six months to achieve accordingly!

By setting small and achievable goals for yourself and by achieving such, it will give you enough confidence in forward movement towards more achievement. And that will be the surest steps to your weight loss success.

Bunmi Olukoya is an internet marketer, affiliate specialist with passion for helping people to succeed online, and creating a guaranteed means to weight reduction programmed by giving away valuable information. If you are interested in losing weight fast or just to make your shape fit, then the only place to go is: http://www.foodcalorieburner.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Olubunmi_Adeyemi_Olukoya

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5478650

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Long Term Weight Loss Plan The Surest One Way To Permanent Fat Loss

When it comes to losing weight faster there are many tricks to be used and to think of making weight vanish with quick-fix methods is itself an illusion, just like the magician who has the power to make things disappear with the wave of his wand. To start looking for a faster way to loss weight is not the best way to it.

There are so many diets programmed that can help you shed the extra pounds that will left you wondering at the sight of the new slim you as you stand before a full-length mirror, that exact person you see looking and smiling back at you will soon flow back into tin air as the weight starts gaining up again.

This is because all the fast weight loss diets ways are not the best ways to weight loss plan, 'cos they all involve the same 'recipe' which is STARVATION-being the fastest way to loss weight. To get to a healthy level and keep it there is the whole idea of losing weight, the key word here is Permanence.

It may be that your desire to loss weight is for health reasons or maybe just to get slimmer for the wedding dress, you must realize than that a long-lasting result must be the ultimate goal, otherwise what will be the point of starting? As some people might say, "Making a start is good-It is as good as not starting," but then it has been proven by research the fact that when the quick-fix doesn't work, then inertia, and apathy sets in, there by become stumbling block for those people from ever planning making another attempt at it.

The conclusion however is that a well-planned weight loss regimen specifically formulated for you by a nutrition specialist, or professional dietitian that will stimulate weight loss in a way that is manageable and maintainable should have no substitute in the first place.

You can simply achieve long-term weight loss... over time, fast weight-loss plans and long-term would obviously and really be differentiated. But for a genuinely and interested person who want to shift weight and maintain a healthy, consistent level of weight, then the only way to go about it is long-term weight loss plan. You can loss a good 1-2 pounds a week without much hardship, or stress on your body just by accepting a few changes in your daily diet, combined with burning a few more calories through exercise.

You may think and ask, "1-2 pounds, in one week? is that all? but i can easily run it all off, go to the gym and burn fat off!" No, I tell you, exercise alone will never bring result. Certainly it will only served as part of the requirement of the long-term plan. What you eat counts more than simply exercising on it own, would there be any sense in running 15 miles a day in an effort to shed plenty of calories? When in actual fact you only go and put them back on again with that fat-inducing meals of yours.

The only reasonable thing to do to achieve this long-term weight loss permanently is by working on sensible weight loss strategies; To achieve this you must be eating a low-fat diet, eating breakfast, engaging in high level of physical exercise, self-monitoring your weight, and maintaining a consistent pattern of eating through the week and on weekends.

Just as the sayings goes, doing the simple thing is sometimes the hardest thing to do. So strive changing your weight only by changing your diet, it is as simple as that. Remember that when striving to loss weight, the number one simple thing to do is eat fewer calories and burn more calories. This can be an achievable task only by practice which is the hardest part of it, because it all takes a bit of thinking about and time to plan. And to determine calorie content it involves a lot of looking at labels.

Here a solid weight loss programmed or dietitians comes in to help formulate plans and exercise regimes, and tailored to meet your specific needs. To achieve long-term weight loss a diet plan which include drinking more water, eating more fiber-foods with more fresh vegetables and eating a lot less artificial processed fatty foods like; burgers, chips, fried snacks, fizzy drinks. And keeping an eye on the calorie content in foods, cutting down on portion sizes will all go a long way in achieving your set goal of long-term weight loss.

To imagine you can do it yourself, and in spite of the best efforts on your part it's very easy to get in muddle and before you know what strike you, your weight is all over the place. Your intentions maybe good, but the over-eagerness might result in over-doing the calorie-counting and under-doing the fiber, or over-dosing on water and cutting back on real food. And then you are back at that point I mentioned earlier about losing the drive and ambition to achieve weight loss, that's why "100 Calorie Diet" is in existence.

Losing weight is a tremendous challenge, so many people think that they can take off extra pounds when they put their minds to it only to discover that the pounds are a lot harder to shed than they were to gain. To monitor your calories and go for the best weight loss programmed is the most successful way to loss weight, hopefully this article must have helped you some way on how best to go about losing that extra pounds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6141278

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Painless Tips to Shed Pounds, Now!

You know it is always easy to pack on the pounds and YES, even fun at times! However, taking them off is a major challenge that isn't painless at any time, until now. I am going to share with you 12 easy tips to drop those love handles once and for all!

Do you know that 3500 calories equals 1 lb. of fat? Well, if you want to lose 1 lb. of fat you need to find a way to cut out 3500 calories. Let's break it down over 7 days. If you cut out 500 calories a day, you would lose a pound a week. Amazing! However, you don't have to reduce your food intake by 500 calories every day and here is why!

Walking briskly for 30 - 45 minutes can burn as much as 250 or more of those calories. So, just by combining activity with sensible eating habits works also. I know a pound doesn't sound very significant, but if you visualize differently, it might surprise you that one pound of fat is equal to four sticks of butter. So, if you lose five pounds of fat, you have lost the equivalent of 20 sticks of butter or a 5 pound bag of sugar. And that is significant!

Here are 12 painless tips to shed those unwanted pounds:

1. Drink plenty of water. Sometimes you may experience a craving and it simply may be, your body needs hydration and not food. Being sufficiently hydrated makes you feel full so be sure to drink a glass of water before each meal.

2. Eat your salad first. This will fill you up on fewer calories and you will eat less of the higher calorie foods. Always have your dressing put on the side so that you can dip your fork in the dressing rather than adding it to your salad.

3. Buy individual snacks. This will keep you from eating those monster size bags of chips or cookies. Having a snack program is vital to succeeding.

4. Get in the Game! Get up and get moving. If the phone rings, get up and pace the floor while you talk. This burns more calories than just sitting. Even standing up will burn more calories than sitting.

5. Beware of empty calories! Opt for water instead of soda or coffee. If you must have coffee, leave out the cream and sugar. Many of the designer coffees have calories that are equivalent to a whole meal!

6. Keep a journal of your exercise. This allows you to see the results on paper as well as seeing the results on your waistline. Activity is the third leg of your weight loss plan.

7. Create a vision board. Select pictures that keep you focused on your ideal weight loss goal. Post a photo of a trim and fit person that you would like to look like. Take a photo of a pair of skinny jeans you want to wear and post it!

8. Ah Yes... Get rest! Getting enough sleep is so important not only for your overall well-being but it is also important in balancing out your weight. When you don't get enough sleep your body produces the stress hormone cortisol. This directly affects weight gain and your appetite.

9. Stay clear of white processed foods! Foods such as white rice, bread and pasta are converted to sugar very quickly in the body! Since it doesn't take much energy to break these foods down, the body ends up storing them as fat.

10. Release your inner child! Take time to play! Break into a dance, play tag with your children or tell a favorite joke. You can burn as much as 400 calories by laughing and moving around! It might not feel like exercise, but guess what... you are moving and burning calories!

11. Most importantly! Eat BREAKFAST. Think about the word BREAKFAST. It means to break a fast. You don't eat while you sleep unless you have been sleep-walking. Your body needs fuel after 8 hours of sleep and this is why you hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Your brain and body need proper fuel to function. Your body has a set-point that you don't want to go below because it will go into starvation mode and begin to burn muscle rather than your fat stores. Conditioned muscle burns fat, so you want to maintain your muscle tissue.

12. Mental Imagery. Every day take some time to imagine the ideal you. Yes, a thinner, fitter and healthier you. When you use mental imagery, you give the message to your subconscious mind to begin creating new neuro-pathways in your brain to keep you focused on your goal. Here is your link for more info: http://www.foodcalorieburner.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6149695

Shrink Belly Fat - Quick and Easy

If you want the WOW results in your bathing suit this summer, then you need to shrink your belly fat quick.

There is no secret diet to shrink your belly fat by tomorrow. But there are tricks to get you on the right track. If you want to wear that sexy bikini this summer, you will eventually need to work the muscles of your belly.

By working out the muscles of your belly, you will be losing fat at the same time. Get those belly muscles working and your metabolism moving. In the long run, this is the best trick to losing your belly fat and keeping it off.

First off, take out your favorite bikini out of the closet and imagine yourself wearing it with a firm belly. How do you feel? Do you feel sexy? You can wear that bikini without spending hours at the gym. The trick is to find the best program that has fast results.

Even better, find a workout program that you can do in the comfort of your own home. This way, you'll be saving money and will have more time to spend with your family.

Did you know that eating healthy snacks will boost your metabolism? Boosting your metabolism will help you shrink belly fat. Every time you eat healthy snacks, it will stimulate your metabolism.

Studies have shown that eating fiber will also help you shrink your belly. Fiber is a filler-upper. Choose healthy snacks with fiber. You will see faster results by adding fiber to your daily meals and boosting your metabolism.

Below are fiber foods that will help you achieve your goal:

* Organic food has more fiber. It's a little more expensive but well worth the price.
* Buy already chopped vegetables. You will be more tempted to eat your veggies if they are already cut up. Bring some to work with you for you snack.
* Oat bran has more fiber than oatmeal. Add some raisins or dates and get more fiber.
* Don't forget your V8 juice!
* Light popcorn is a nice delicious treat with 8 grams of fiber.
* Add flax seed to your cereal, in your smoothie and in your yogurt.
* Other beneficial products to help you shrink your belly are: berries, dairy products, almonds, tomatoes, grapes, tuna, tomatoes, olive oil, drinking water, spices, herbs, vinegar, lemon juice and so much more.

There are lots of healthy fiber snacks. Have those snacks handy so you can fill up anytime. Make it easier for you. Don't wait until you're hungry to snack because then you'll be eating unhealthy foods.

Have healthy snacks in your cupboards, in your car, in your purse and at work. This way, your hunger hormones won't make you eat junk food.

Studies show that sleeping 7 to 8 hours will help you achieve your goal faster. Beat the hunger hormones and have a good night's sleep. Concentrate on your program. Envision yourself in that bikini this summer.

Did you know that taking supplements can also help you shrink belly fat? Researchers discovered that the following supplements will help you get the results you want even faster.

* Vitamin D- Vitamin D will help you NOT to overeat.
* DHA or fish oil-The fat burning booster during workouts.
* Calcium-Calcium cuts down your fat intake and will boost your metabolism.
* Multivitamin-Half a tablet in the morning and the other half at night will boost your energy.

Every little trick will help you to achieve your goal. Remember that the secret is to increase your metabolism, have your daily fiber intake, have your snacks and take supplements. Your belly fat won't shrink by sitting on the couch eating ice cream. I know it's good but it won't work! This link will help in achieving more result: http://www.foodcalorieburner.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6095658

The Flat Belly Solution Explains What To Eat To Lose Weight

We all have some weight we'd like to shed or maybe we're just trying to find a healthy lifestyle that we can stick to day in and day out. Whatever the reason for your interest in a diet solution program, it's time you stopped playing with the other diet plans and choose a plan that you can live with. If you've never heard of the Flat Belly Solution, it's time you checked it out. It's the kind of diet plan that tells you what to eat to lose weight and guarantees you increased energy and vitality.

Isabel De Los Rios, a nutrition and exercise specialist of 10 years has created the flat belly solution program for weight loss and combating the diseases that so often accompany obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This plan is a result of her own struggle with being overweight and 15 years of study. She has developed a plan that works where mainstream diets have simply failed the public through out the years. If you're looking for a re-hash of what is already in the marketplace today, this is not that plan. It's a new look at losing weight that will help you learn what to eat to lose weight, obtain a flat belly and begin that healthy lifestyle you've always wanted.

So what is the Diet Solution Program? According to its author, it is truly the most comprehensive and complete manual on nutrition available today. This find gives you the principles you must follow to reach your personalized goal weight, it provides you with meal plans, lists to take to the grocery store and nutritional recipes to follow.

What this plan is not, is a passing fad or extreme fasting plan. No, instead it is a rational way to live your life so that you don't end up in a yo-yo cycle of dieting that leaves you frustrated, back at your high weight and wondering if you'll ever be healthy again. Once you lose the weight you've put on, you'll find a way to maintain this weight through the years. It's not a diet. It's a manual to healthy living and eating that you can carry with you, teach your children and live with the rest of your life. With the right combinations of foods, you can eat delicious foods, lose weight and then maintain it. It's that simple.

Dieters who've tried the diet solution program find phenomenal benefits on top of the reduction in weight. They experience a vitality they've either forgotten existed or never had to begin with. With the increased energy, they experience drops in blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels and cleared skin conditions among many other benefits reported.

If you want to lose those 10 pounds or those multiples of 10s, you owe it to yourself to check out this comprehensive manual of weight loss. Figure out once and for all what to eat to lose weight, the healthy foods to eat that will give you the energy you need and then, just do it. visit my website for more details: http://www.foodcalorieburner.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6140923

What Are The Causes Of Belly Fat?

If we could choose one area of our body that we would like to lose some fat from, there is little doubt that the stomach would be a popular choice with a lot of people. A big belly hanging over your jeans is not the greatest of looks and can leave you depressed and frustrated, as it can be quite difficult to shift. Before we can focus on losing some belly fat, it would be helpful to know what the causes of belly fat are.

The Causes Of Belly Fat

Belly fat is accumulated for a variety of reasons, and not just the obvious one. Lets take a look at some of the reasons why we end up with belly fat: -

Natural Aging

As you get older, your body naturally gains body fat and loses muscle tissue without any change to your diet or activity levels. This is due in part to the fact that your metabolism slows down, resulting in your body burning less calories. Unfortunately a lot of this fat gets stored around the stomach.

The Menopause

Woman tend to naturally put on more body fat than men as they age. The menopause changes a woman's body fat distribution, resulting in more being stored around the abdomen. Women can also retain belly fat following pregnancy.


This may surprise you (not), but eating too much food (particularly with a high-fat content) will pile fat on to your belly. If you consume more calories in a day than you burn off, the excess is stored as fat. The majority of us tend to eat far more food than our bodies actually need. Even if you are not willing to change your diet, you should at least think about cutting your portion sizes. Start eating in a slower and more deliberate manner, and stopping the moment you start to feel full.

The Demon Drink

There is a reason why it is called a beer belly, alcoholic (and lager in particular) drinks are full of calories. If you are serious about losing the beer gut, then you need to cut back on the booze and take more regular exercise. You could drink bottles instead of pints, switch to light beer or even give up drinking at home.

What Are Dangerous Levels Of Belly Fat?

Too much fat around the belly can put you at greater risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Measuring your waist is an excellent way of checking if you have an unhealthy level of belly fat. If you are a man with a waist of over 40 inches or a woman with a waist that measures more than 35 inches, then you really need to think about making changes.

How To Lose Fat Off Your Belly?

Just doing endless crunches will not get rid of belly fat, it will just strengthen the muscles underneath the fat. Regular intense cardiovascular exercise (activity that raises your heart rate) 3-4 times a week is a great idea. as well as a well balanced diet packed with whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. Make small changes and aim for no more than 1-2 pounds of weight loss a week if you want the results to be permanent.

Now you know what the causes of belly fat are, make those healthy lifestyle changes and banish that belly fat.  For more details visit: http://www.foodcalorieburner.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6131354

The 2011 Way To Lose Weight

Losing weight is always one of the hardest things to achieve. Being overweight is also bad as far as one's health is concerned. Over eating is one of the main reasons for people to gain a lot of weight. Especially during the holidays and festive seasons, eating seems toi be the main activity that goes along with the season of enjoyment and fellowship and so it should be. However, its the aftermath of these seasons that shows the damage that we have done to our bodies. So now that 2011 is almost a quarter in, you should be well on your way to losing the extra pounds and getting back into shape!

The first thing we should have is a good weight loss plan that you can follow. Trying to work off your excess weight without a proper plan would mostly end in disappointment. You should firstly establish how you are going to put into action the weight loss plan of your choice and what you need in order to do so even before you begin. This really will help you stick to the plan and to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself and to be able to measure your success as you go along.

Many people jump onto the NO CARBS diet thinking that it is the fastest way to drop the pounds. The best success in any weight loss plan is to firstly concentrate on eating a balanced diet and not on cutting out essential foods like fats, meat, carbs altogether. Its these sorts of diets where you cut out carbs and fats totally that only will work for a short time and you would probably gain all and more of the body fat back if you don't stick to the diet forever! Most good diet programs or weight loss programs would advise you to substitute the bad food that you eat with good food. For example, instead of eating a slice of chocolate fudge cake, you have a fruit. Instead of a fat filled breakfast, have a bowl of cereal with yoghurt.

Then of course there is the "DREADED" exercise that most of us hate! Well I hate it too. However, it is a crucial p[art of weight loss. This doesn't mean we have to spend hours and hours everyday in the gym. Or it doesn't mean we have to jog for miles and miles. However, based on the working lifestyle of most people these days where we are confined to sitting on chairs in front of our computers for over eight hours a day, the body definitely needs some exercise in order to work out the fats that we are piling on everyday. Understandably that most people don't have the time to exercise, all it takes is for you to go for a walk everyday for abt half an hour. This will definitely compliment your diet and help in losing the weight.

When we have a good weight loss program in place, one that encompasses not just the diet plans but the whole package as to how to lose weight healthily, we are set to go and will lose the weight in no time at all. The problem these days is that there are far too many weight loss programs that promise you results. Truth be told, only a handful are truly worthwhile and bring you results not in just losing the weight but most importantly in keeping the weight off. Something you can use anytime you want, any season you want and still get results. Here's to your weight loss success!! Go here for more details: http://www.foodcalorieburner.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6055280